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Peak Flowering Season 2016

Vanilla raceme with 7 open flowers.

This morn­ing I came across two racemes in the vanillery that had sev­en open blos­soms on each of them! This is real­ly quite unusual.

When the vanil­la vines are real­ly grow­ing strong­ly, the flow­er­ing racemes can come out dou­ble or triple or more. Usually, the raceme is a sin­gle stalk of flow­ers with 1 — 20 flower buds on it. The buds will open usu­al­ly one at a time over a peri­od of sev­er­al weeks until they have all opened.

When there is a huge amount of vital­i­ty in the vine, though, the raceme can include branch­es of racemes, mak­ing it pos­si­ble for a large num­ber of flow­ers to  sprout from a sin­gle node. This is a very good thing, because each node can only pro­duce once (if at all—most don’t): and it will be either either a new vine or a flower raceme.

Of course, not all the flow­ers on a raceme should be pol­li­nat­ed, it’s impor­tant to only pol­li­nate as much as will devel­op into full-size pods. Pollinate too many, and you’ll end up with a lot of use­less­ly-small pods. But with so much vital­i­ty in the vine, the num­ber of flow­ers you can pol­li­nate increas­es. We’ll prob­a­bly get 15 full-size pods on these big racemes, while a typ­i­cal raceme will usu­al­ly only pro­duce 5–7.

This is one of the big racemes ear­ly in the sea­son, you can see it branch­ing at sev­er­al places.

Vanilla blos­som­ing seems to come in waves: you’ll have days where the blos­som­ing is sparse, and days like today, where near­ly every raceme on all the vines has one or more flow­ers blos­som­ing. I don’t know what gov­erns these cycles, per­haps weath­er, per­haps the moon. We already know that the vines are quite sen­si­tive to lunar cycles.

This morn­ing, I pol­li­nat­ed 49 flow­ers in the vanillery. An impres­sive­ly large num­ber con­sid­er­ing it’s age…this is real­ly the first year we’re hav­ing flow­ers on vines that grew in the vanillery. Perviously, all the flow­er­ing was done by vines that were a cou­ple of years old when they were trans­plant­ed in. The vanillery is final­ly com­ing in, but this is only the beginning.

I say today is the peak of the 2016 flow­er­ing sea­son because in all, I pol­li­nat­ed 153 flow­ers today. Looking at the racemes out there now, I doubt we’ll have as big a day again this sea­son. All the racemes that are going to emerge have done so by now.

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