Kauaʻi Vanilla Beans, Grade B ¼ oz.


Hawaiian grade B vanilla beans: two beans vacuum packed

In Stock

SKU: BEAN-B-2 Category:


Vanilla pods from the 2022 har­vest are now avail­able. These beans are sup­ple and fra­grant, with about a 20% mois­ture con­tent. Each pack­age con­tains 2 pods, weigh­ing at least ¼ oz.

These beans can be used to fla­vor recipes such as cakes, cook­ies, cus­tards, etc. To use in a recipe, split the pod down the mid­dle with a sharp knife, then scrape out the inte­ri­or. The pulp is dif­fi­cult to mix, so it’s best to mix the pulp with a very small amount of liq­uid at first to thin the paste before adding to your recipe. It’s best to sim­mer the pods in liq­uid to extract all the fla­vor, but you can also use the scraped pods to fla­vor sug­ar or spir­its like bourbon.

To make extract, just chop them up, put them in a small jar with 2 ½ oz. ( ¼ C.) of alco­hol (vod­ka, rum, bour­bon). Give it a shake every day or so and in a month, you can use it, but it will be even bet­ter after 6.

These pods were grown in our vanillery and cured using our unique cur­ing process devel­oped for wet, cool Kauai win­ter weath­er. After cur­ing, they were aged for a min­i­mum of 3 months.

Additional information

Weight 1.25 oz
Dimensions 8.5 × 4 × 0.5 in


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