Slow Island Kauaʻi Vanilla Bean Culinary Syrup


Kauai vanilla bean culinary syrup 10 fl.oz

Product seasonally unavailable.

SKU: SI-SYRUP-10oz Category:


This amaz­ing syrup is pro­duced by our friends and island neigh­bors at Slow Island. They uti­lize our Kaua’i whole beans in mak­ing this syrup and so its unique fla­vor shines in your cock­tails, whipped cream, break­fast treats or as it sweet­ens your cof­fee or lemonade.

I love it in my iced cof­fee, an essen­tial treat on a hot Kaua’i sum­mer afternoon!

Slow Island syrups are sweet­ened only with organ­ic cane sug­ar, and fla­vored only with our own vanil­la beans.

Slow Island website

Additional information

Weight 19.2 oz
Dimensions 2.25 × 2.25 × 5.5 in


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