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Construction at the Vanillery

Things are build­ing over here at the Vanillery! These pho­tos are of our new “Vanilla House” which now serves as our pro­duc­tion facil­i­ty for cur­ing vanil­la and for our choco­late mak­ing. It’s so nice to have a ded­i­cat­ed space for this finally! 

We’ve been bring­ing our farm tours in here and it makes a com­fort­able space for our vanil­la cur­ing pre­sen­ta­tion, and for our vanil­la prod­ucts sale at the end of the tour.

Construction Continues

As a part of our pro­gram to bring infra­struc­ture improve­ments to the vanil­la farm, we will now embark on a refurb of the house on the prop­er­ty, rebuild­ing the front room (which serves as an office) and fix­ing the old roof.

This process is going to be high­ly dis­rup­tive to the farm, and so we will be closed for tours the months of February and March. If you hap­pen to be on the island dur­ing this time, I’m sor­ry we can’t offer you a tour, but you can con­tact us about com­ing by to pur­chase vanil­la products…if pos­si­ble we will hap­pi­ly accom­mo­date you.

We pre­fer con­tact by text or email, we are often too busy to answer phone calls.

2 thoughts on “Construction at the Vanillery

  1. Roland, nice improve­ments to your vanillery! I love fol­low­ing what you do.

    I would like to know if there is an aver­age life span to a vanil­la vine? Thank you.


    1. Hi Rhonda,

      I get this ques­tion fre­quent­ly on farm tours, and the answer is kind­of inter­est­ing. A vanil­la plant can live essen­tial­ly indef­i­nite­ly, because as the vine grows, it is always set­ting down roots. This is a con­stant process, so when the old­est part of the vine dies, the rest of the plant has its own roots and keeps grow­ing. This is pret­ty com­mon for orchids, new growth takes over for old growth and as long as the envi­ron­men­tal con­di­tions allow it, the plant will stay alive. Each sec­tion of a vanil­la plant will live for 5–7 years, then die.

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