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The Vanillery is Temporarily Closed for Renovations

We’re doing some major upgrades here and dur­ing con­struc­tion, we won’t be open for tours. We’re sor­ry if this means you have to skip vis­it­ing, we love it when peo­ple come by to see what we’re doing, and we’ll miss shar­ing that. As things are tak­ing longer than expect­ed, we can’t promise when we’ll be open, unfortunately.

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Construction at the Vanillery

Things are build­ing over here at the Vanillery! These pho­tos are of our new “Vanilla House” which now serves as our pro­duc­tion facil­i­ty for cur­ing vanil­la and for our choco­late making.

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We’re Finally Getting Back to Scotland

photo of Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh

On a per­son­al note, Lisa and I are going to Europe for sev­er­al weeks this year. We have strong ties to Scotland, and it’s been too long since we visited.

The Store Will be Closed While We’re Gone

In the spir­it of vaca­tion, we won’t want to wor­ry about get­ting orders filled while we’re gone.

If you want to order, plase come back after November 8, we’ll be open and ready to ship vanil­la products!

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Harvesting & The Vanillery is Getting Ready to Flower

Out in the vanillery, we’re start­ing to see the fresh flower buds emerg­ing on the mature vines. Always an excit­ing time of the year as we antic­i­pate the begin­ning of a new cycle. These lit­tle guys will be sprout­ing flow­ers in a cou­ple of weeks!

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First Harvest of the 2021 Season!

The cycle begins anew! This week we pulled our first har­vest out of the vanillery, offi­cial­ly start­ing the 2021 har­vest sea­son.  This year is slight­ly lat­er than most , typ­i­cal­ly we see our first har­vest in the first week or two of January. The har­vest sea­son typ­i­cal­ly goes until late April, so it’s a full 4 months of going into the vanillery to har­vest 3 times a week. This year we are expect­ing a small­er har­vest than last year. There were not as many flowers…not sure why but the crowd­ing in the vanillery could be one factor.

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The New Vanillery has been Built and Planted

We’ve been work­ing on get­ting this new vanillery (locat­ed on the north­west cor­ner of our prop­er­ty) built for a cou­ple of years now. This bit of land was not in use, and sev­er­al very large “weed” trees were in the way and need­ed to be removed. No point in plant­i­ng under a tree you’re going to cut down, so we had to wait until we had the help we need­ed to get the trees down. The sto­ry of get­ting rid of those trees is long and con­vo­lut­ed, it took sev­er­al tries to get the job done…but thanks to lots of able help (maha­lo: Jonathan, Tim, Christopher, Freddy) and sheer per­se­ver­ance, we got it done. Once the trees were cleared, we need­ed… (read)

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2019 Season Vanilla Beans are now Available

The beans we har­vest­ed late last win­ter have now cured and aged enough to be sold! There will only be lim­it­ed quan­ti­ties at first, as beans that were har­vest­ed lat­er in the sea­son are not done aging yet.

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