Posted on 12 Comments

First Harvest of the 2021 Season!

The cycle begins anew! This week we pulled our first har­vest out of the vanillery, offi­cial­ly start­ing the 2021 har­vest season. 

This year is slight­ly lat­er than most , typ­i­cal­ly we see our first har­vest in the first week or two of January. The har­vest sea­son typ­i­cal­ly goes until late April, so it’s a full 4 months of going into the vanillery to har­vest 3 times a week. This year we are expect­ing a small­er har­vest than last year. There were not as many flowers…not sure why but the crowd­ing in the vanillery could be one factor.

12 thoughts on “First Harvest of the 2021 Season!

  1. Hello,

    I am locat­ed in Canada and would love to buy some of your beau­ti­ful vanil­la beans but am not able to change the coun­try in both the ship­ping as well as the billing address areas.

    Is there a way for me to be able to pur­chase some and have them shipped to me in Canada at this time, or is it not some­thing you are able to do at this time?

    Please let me know, thank-you.

    Laura White

    1. Hi Laura,

      Thanks for your inter­est. I have opened up the shop to Canadian cus­tomers, so please try again. 

      I had orig­i­nal­ly planned to avoid the com­pli­ca­tion of inter­na­tion­al ship­ping (com­mer­cial ship­ping of food items can be tricky) but I’m will­ing to give it a try.

  2. I would love to be noti­fied when Pompona is ready. I have not pur­chased from you before but get­ting ready to and watch­ing for Pompona har­vest. Do you sell orchid cuttings?

    1. Hi Anna,

      Thanks for your interest…well, I can’t promise I’ll remem­ber to let you know, I don’t real­ly have a way to keep track of such things, but I’ll try.

      I’m expect­ing to get a ship­ment in in the spring.

      I dont sell cut­tings, it’s too much trou­ble to get them cleared through the USDA which is necessary.

  3. Your vines looks to be infect­ed by a fun­gus (kin­da mildew). All these white dots on the leaves, maybe too dense. 

    Take care that it will not prop­a­gate to the whole vanillery.

    1. Yes, I keep an eye on that. The spots you are see­ing is a sur­face algae due to the high humid­i­ty, not harm­ful to the plants unless it cov­ers too much of the leaves.

  4. Fabulous to read all of the updates that you give on your blog, as well as links to mag­a­zine arti­cles. My hus­band and I are excit­ed to vis­it your vanillery in May. It’s encour­ag­ing to see that you are pol­li­nat­ing the way that you are, and I can’t wait to hear in per­son a lit­tle about that amaz­ing process. The sto­ry that this “divine vine” may pos­si­bly have been plant­ed by your grand­moth­er, and stayed in the family…would be a great book woven into tale with beau­ti­ful illus­tra­tions. I love it. Mahalo!

    1. Thanks so much, I want to post more, but the time is hard to come by!

  5. How long is the back order if I order now?

    1. Typically a cou­ple of days extra to pack­age the order.

  6. I am in Kauai for vaca­tion and would love to pur­chase some Hawaiian vanil­la beans. I was won­der­ing where are you located?

    1. Hi Becky,

      We don’t have a shop here, but our beans and extract is avail­able in a cou­ple of stores here on Kauai: Hoku Foods in Kapaa, and The Local Beet in Lawai.

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