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Potting Up Vanilla Seedlings

I occa­sion­al­ly come across new seedlings in the vanillery. We’ve writ­ten about this before, it’s some­thing that hap­pens spon­ta­neous­ly from time to time. Pods are left on the vine by acci­dent, they ripen and drop their seeds. If the con­di­tions are right, some of the seeds sprout.

A few weeks ago, when I was in the vanillery doing a gen­er­al prune with a vol­un­teer named Jacque, I came across sev­er­al seedling deep under a dense sec­tion of vines. (Jacque is a PhD stu­dent in Plant and Environmental Sciences and while vis­it­ing the island, offered to do some vol­un­teer work for us…and that sure was a fun and pro­duc­tive day!) Well, I took note of the loca­tion with the inten­tion of mov­ing the seedlings to pots so they can get a bit big­ger before I plant them out in the new vanillery.

This is How We Pot Up the Seedlings

A vanil­la seedling is a del­i­cate lit­tle thing, but it’s going to get a lot big­ger and we don’t want to dis­turb it while it’s grow­ing, so we build it a place that is pro­tect­ed, but also has a struc­ture it can wrap its lit­tle ten­drils around. Here you can see the spe­cial pots I built for them.

the base pots for planting the seedlings
vanil­la seedling pots

We take a small plas­tic pot and zip­strap a size­able stick of bam­boo to it. It’s coun­ter­bal­anced with a cou­ple of large rocks in the bot­tom of the pot. Vanilla does­n’t need much soil, so the size of the pot and vol­ume of soil is not too impor­tant. What is impor­tant is giv­ing the vine a sta­ble place to get start­ed. There’s not a lot of ver­ti­cal height to the sup­port, that’s because when the vine has reached the top, it will be ready to get plant­ed out.

For the soil, we fill it 3/4 full with native soil (mined in a forest­ed area), then top that with soil from the vanillery. The think­ing there is that the vanillery soil will con­tain com­pat­i­ble bio­ta and most impor­tant­ly, spe­cif­ic myc­or­rhizae essen­tial to the vanil­la roots’ uptake of nutrients.

a vanilla seedling held in the hand
Vanilla seedlings

The seedlings are placed on the soil and gen­tly tied to the bam­boo. The grow­ing area is then cov­ered with leafy mulch, pro­vid­ing a shady, moist envi­ron­ment for root development.

The pot­ted seedlings are placed under a tree where the light is good, but shad­ed from the sun. If every­thing goes right, the seedlings will con­tin­ue to grow and begin climb­ing up the bam­boo sup­port. When the plants are strong and reach­ing the top of the sup­port, we put the whole thing into the vanillery with­out trans­plant­i­ng, next to a bam­boo col­umn for it to grow on. There is a pic­ture of this at the bottom.

The seedling will con­tin­ue grow­ing up the bam­boo support
shows the finished vanilla seedlings in pots
Here are the fin­ished pot­ted seedlings with their leafy mulch.
These are the pre­vi­ous round of seedlings, now grow­ing in the new vanillery

6 thoughts on “Potting Up Vanilla Seedlings

  1. This is such good infor­ma­tion, (as all of your infor­ma­tion is) thank you so much for shar­ing your expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge to help give the rest of us more vital insight, for us who farm at home, either as a hob­by or as a crop to sell. Mahalo so much from fel­low vanil­la farm­ers on the East side of the Big Island of Hawaii.

    Ps: I espe­cial­ly look for any and all infor­ma­tion on the cur­ing process. Do you by chance have a book for sale on cur­ing? It’s so tricky when we can get weeks of rain dur­ing this time. I will keep check­ing your won­der­ful web­site here regard­less, but I was curi­ous to know if you do. Mahalo, Tamara

    1. Hi Tamara,

      I like your idea, had­n’t thought about it, so maybe I will!

  2. I am so glad to have found your web­site. I live in south Florida and have been grow­ing vanil­la for sev­er­al years and have had some suc­cess grow­ing vanil­la beans.
    This year how­ev­er I have a very large har­vest of beans not quite ripe yet. Finishing the beans has always been some­what of a mys­tery until now that you have shared your knowl­edge. I am very excit­ed know­ing that I now have very spe­cif­ic instruc­tions on how to fin­ish my large har­vest thanks to you!
    I have ordered a rep­tile mat with a tem­per­a­ture sen­sor to put in my cool­er and my air-fry­er also dou­bles as a dehydrator.
    I am so grateful!

    1. Happy to share what I have learned, good luck with cur­ing your harvest!

  3. Hi I have what looks like roots com­ing out of my vanil­la beans? Is this pos­si­ble and will turn into a vine?

    1. Yes, that is curi­ous, I have nev­er seen that…do you have a picture?

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