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Tiny Isle Introduces New Honey Vanilla Macadamia Nut Butter

There’s a new fla­vor of macadamia nut but­ter out by Tiny Isle: Honey Vanilla. And of course, it fea­tures our own vanil­la. This pre­mi­um nut but­ter blends fresh toast­ed mac nut but­ter with a lit­tle hon­ey and Vanillery of Kauai vanil­la extract.

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Pompona Vanilla from Peru

A cou­ple of months ago, I received an email from a a fel­low vanil­la grow­er in Peru named Ashley Britton. We have been exchang­ing knowl­edge and expe­ri­ences since then, and it has expand­ed my think­ing about what vanil­la is and how it can be grown. Ashley is grow­ing vanil­la in the moun­tain­ous rain for­est region of San Martín in Northern Peru. In that area, the vanil­la orchid that is found grow­ing wild is vanil­la pom­pona, a species of vanil­la that ranges from south­ern Mexico through north­ern South America. That rep­re­sents rough­ly the same range as vanil­la plan­i­fo­lia, the main species for agri­cul­ture, which we grow here on Kauai. San Martín is known for its orchids, and they are fea­tured in the… (read)

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2019 Season Vanilla Beans are now Available

The beans we har­vest­ed late last win­ter have now cured and aged enough to be sold! There will only be lim­it­ed quan­ti­ties at first, as beans that were har­vest­ed lat­er in the sea­son are not done aging yet.

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The 2018 Vanilla Harvest is Ready for Sale

It’s final­ly time to start sell­ing our 2018 vanil­la har­vest! I’m putting togeth­er the retail pack­ages today and soon we’ll have them in the store to sell. I’m pret­ty excit­ed about the vanil­la we have to offer this year, it is with­out ques­tion the best qual­i­ty vanil­la we have ever pro­duced. This year, we will be sell­ing the beans two ways: First, for the best, largest, and most beau­ti­ful beans, in small priced-by-the-bean pack­ages of 2. We’ll also be sell­ing our grade A and grade B beans by the ounce, so even if there are a few small­er beans in there, you’ll know you’re get­ting all the vanil­la you’re pay­ing for. The qual­i­ty is just excel­lent either way. If you’re… (read)

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Sorting the Cured Beans

As the beans com­plete their cur­ing, they need to be inspect­ed, sort­ed, and pack­aged for long-term stor­age. We’ve been doing this for 2 months now, and some of the ear­li­est beans to go into stor­age are ready for sale or to be made into one of our vanil­la prod­ucts, such as extract or syrup. The beans are ini­tial­ly sort­ed into three groups: Grade A, Grade B and Extract. This is accord­ing to mois­ture con­tent and appear­ance. They are then vac­u­um-packed and will be aged in that state for 1–6 months. This year’s har­vest is our first big har­vest and we’re not quite sure how it’s all going to get mar­ket­ed. Of course there will be online retail sales, and per­haps a… (read)

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Hand-Cured Vanilla Beans and Extract from Kauaʻi

Today we’re rolling out our first prod­ucts for sale! Over the years, we’ve sold these beans through friends, at local farmer’s mar­kets and to local culi­nary pro­fes­sion­als, and though we always intend­ed to make our beans wide­ly avail­able, we always seemed to be too busy to make that hap­pen. Well, now it’s time to offer our unique prod­uct to every­one on the inter­net. Our first offer­ings will be very sim­ple: Grade A and Grade B whole vanil­la beans and 2‑ounce bot­tles of our home­made Kauaʻi rum vanil­la extract.

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